Pick An Event & a Place to Stay!

If you want a hotel room nearby, Tejas Trails has partnered with Hotels for Hope for booking reservations.

Just click on the event below you want to make reservations for, and find the best rates while making a difference!  

Not only will you receive a discounted rate through this booking portal, but your hotel reservations will make a difference in someone's life! Every night booked generates a $2 donation to fund a cool organization.  Tejas Trails has chosen "Kids in a New Groove" as the organization to benefit from this cool service. 

Kids in a New Groove (KING) provides Texas youth in foster care  with a committed one-on-one mentoring relationship through weekly private music instruction,  in turn giving students the ability to build concrete strategies for life-long success.  Kids in a New Groove’s vision is that all Texas youth in foster care have the tools and support they need to become successful individuals when they transition out of the foster care system.

For $1,000, a child in care not only receives a year of music lessons and a new instrument, but also a dedicated music mentor who builds a lasting relationship of support and encouragement. This RoomFunding Project will fund 14 children for a year in the mentorship program.